
When starting anything in life, you must ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” It’s a question that will define the reasons behind your motive. The taekwondo journey is no different. When starting Martial Arts Training, or getting your child involved, you probably will ask that question. Going back to the answer to that question is what will keep you going when things get tough. Seeing the impact it has on your or your child’s life will bring you back to your why. Below are some whys that might help you find your answer. Children: Most parents enroll their children in Martial Arts because they want them to learn self-defense. With popular shows like the Karate Kid, they want their kids to be able to experience the awesomeness that is in karate. You want your child to be able to protect themselves in any situation and have a great time...
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Black Belt Camp is this weekend!
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Competitions show us who we really are- how we win or lose. But they also can lead to becoming a better person and having a better life. Here's how.
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Two weeks ago we posted about the first half of the life skills learned in Martial Arts training. For this piece, we are going to talk about the second half and the importance of learning them. There are nine life skills that are taught every single day, and with practice and repetition of using them during class, they carry them into their own lives. Integrity: Students are taught that integrity is doing the right thing, making the right choices, and earning trust through your actions. A very important part of taekwondo is learning and practicing forms. Students are encouraged to practice at home and on their own while in class, and by entrusting them to do so, they are practicing integrity. Once they learn enough and continue to show integrity, they are empowered to become junior instructors. Junior instructors teach integrity to others while practicing it themselves. In their everyday...
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Kettle bell set at top rated gym near me
We are hard at work preparing the content for this page. Check back soon!
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