
Bruce Lee once said, “A goal is not always meant to be reached, it is often something to aim at.” In order to achieve any sort of success in life, we have to set goals and work to achieve them. But so many people find that they are unable to motivate themselves to set goals, to begin with. Achieving dreams and goals is fantastic, but it’s not always about that. It’s the person we become along the way.  Venture Martial Arts teaches students that goals are something to strive for, setting high standards, and working hard to follow through on your commitments. Setting and striving to achieve goals are taught and reinforced on a daily basis. Rank Advancement: From day one, students strive to achieve their black belt. The only way to do that is through advancing through all the ranks. They set goals to achieve their next belt, and...
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Focus. Give me all your attention right here, right now. Good. Keep going, don’t let your mind drift away. Put your mind in this moment and don’t let it go. I know it’s not easy. You know what makes it easier, learning focus from a young age and continuing to train that skill every day. That can be done through training at Venture Martial Arts. Focus is concentrating on what you are doing. It’s not getting distracted and completing the task in front of you. It’s used to keep your eyes on the price to accomplish all your goals. No one should ever tell you what needs to be done because you know what to do. You are focused. Your focus makes you successful. Martial Arts training can help people of all ages and attention levels learn and improve focus by using the following techniques taught in class: Learning and...
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Remember as a kid, getting disciplined meant receiving punishment for something you had done wrong? You were sent to detention, were grounded from seeing your friends, or in gym class had to do 100 pushups. As we get older, we realize that discipline is actually taking control of our thoughts, actions, and how we respond to situations. It’s all about identifying the right thing to do in any given situation and obeying what is right. At Venture Martial Arts, Taekwondo develops this ideal from a young age and fosters it throughout a lifetime. Something as simple as “standing like a blackbelt” or standing tall and still is an act of discipline. They learn that on their first day of class and it’s consistently reinforced every day. Students are taught to listen to their instructor without talking back or questioning their lessons. The right thing to do is to listen to...
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It’s tournament season! Last weekend there was a tournament held in Golden, CO that was extremely successful for Venture. Next week however, the National Martial Arts Alliance is hosting Nationals in Nevada! The tournament will be held at the Westin Lake Las Vegas in Henderson. There will be two tournaments in one weekend! Students get the ability to earn points towards the 2022/20203 season the day after Spring Nationals. When competing at Nationals, competitors earn double the points that they would normally get competing at regular, in state tournaments. These points go towards their rank while competing at Worlds, giving them an advantage in certain rings. The next day (Sunday) is considered a regular season tournament, but students can still earn extra points! It’s two tournaments in one weekend! Nationals is far more than just a tournament. First, it’s an experience to go out of state and compete in taekwondo....
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In modern society, respect is found few and far between. In a world of instant gratification and riffs between generations and viewpoints, respect seems to be lost among many not only for others but for themselves as well. Venture Martial Arts aims to rectify that problem and teach children and adults respect for everyone they meet.  “Little Dragons” and “basic karate kids” or beginner students, are taught that respect means treating others the way you want to be treated. Though simple, they learn that using kind words and listening when spoken to is showing their peers and elders respect. Intermediate students or “karate kids” learn that respect is always having good manners. They learn to say please and thank you consistently, and basic skills like not interrupting someone that is speaking.  Advanced “karate kids” learn that respect is being a leader through your actions. Advance ranks are empowered to become...
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